See, that's why I ask. It's weird to think that a computer would have significant difficulty processing a game like SPSoT. It doesn't strike me as particularly taxing compared to, say, Far Cry Primal.
Your CPU will double up in terms of work, your running a software that has a higher processor rate which will result in the computer to overheat since it's not made for gaming, that's why you always see those "PC MASTER RACE" with cooling system or expensive fan parts, because it's true. Your overworking the computer and risking damages in the long run. The best way to word it is like.
Video of the game = Oh well look at me, I'm just watching a video from a streaming website oh your watching it in 1080p? No worries easy work for me.
Video game itself = Oh damn this is to much work to keep up I can't handle this at all, some one turn up the FAN!
What exactly is the difference between playing "South Park: The Stick of Truth" and watching episodes of South Park in a video player in the eyes of my computer?
I know what you meant by games, but even I forget sometimes Minecraft doesn't overheat many computers. But when you say things like "Quake", yea it can cause a overheat. Minecraft doesn't take a lot of memory surprisingly