Thanks! Surprisingly enough I found some good renders to work with, but I still didn’t like it as much. Think I’m not gonna make something for myself for a while unless I really have an idea that’s too good to pass up.
By critical I meant a little harsh. You always seems to bit harsh at times when you say things. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but that's how it comes across at times. Not trying to start anything. Just saying what I see/feel.
We hadn't, and define critical. I don't think I'm overly critical with Rider as a whole, it just happens to be that I don't particularly like Ghost and Drive and I always explain why when people ask. And Wizard, but that’s Wizard, the majority of the people understand why I don’t like that show too much. Other than that? I liked all of the other like 9 shows I’ve watched so far and I continue to watch another past Rider show as soon as I finish the previous one.
I freakin' love Kamen Rider, but one needs to be critical about the things they love sometimes. At least that’s what I think, consuming everything without being at least a bit critical about it just makes you bored of what you used to enjoy. Plus, this is a discussion board, so I want to throw my opinion in the mix if people ask for it and discuss about it. Wouldn’t be much of a discussion board if everyone just loves things and ignores bad stuff on purpose.