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#871 |
Ex-Weather Three leader
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Speaking of Sentai-inspired anime, has anyone else taken a look at Sentai Daishikkaku? Looks like only two episodes have aired, and, yeah, Sentai is fully baked into its premise, as the story is told from the perspective of a villain-army grunt soldier. I'm diggin' it.
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#872 |
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Even if this is offtopic for this section, I'll still write it. Dogengers and The Boys are two sides of the same coin. Yin and Yang, White and Black, Ahuramazda and Ahriman, Fear and Laughter. Even the plot is mirrored. There is a world where completely unheroic and very corrupt superheroes live, among whom there is a stern guy in black. An ordinary guy accidentally runs into them because of a girl, and then a stern man who loves to shove exploding things into the villains' ass gives him the opportunity to find out more about them. Our hero uses it and this is where the difference shows up. And even the structure of subsequent seasons is both similar and opposite. A new villain/hero appears, interacts with everyone, and then disappears/remains.
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#873 |
Some guy. I'm alright.
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Even if this is offtopic for this section, I'll still write it. Dogengers and The Boys are two sides of the same coin. Yin and Yang, White and Black, Ahuramazda and Ahriman, Fear and Laughter. Even the plot is mirrored. There is a world where completely unheroic and very corrupt superheroes live, among whom there is a stern guy in black. An ordinary guy accidentally runs into them because of a girl, and then a stern man who loves to shove exploding things into the villains' ass gives him the opportunity to find out more about them. Our hero uses it and this is where the difference shows up. And even the structure of subsequent seasons is both similar and opposite. A new villain/hero appears, interacts with everyone, and then disappears/remains.
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#874 |
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#875 |
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Now she just needs to appear in season 2 of Futo PI!
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#876 |
Some guy. I'm alright.
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Episode 13: Code EVE ![]() I can't believe this show came along and combined a Kikaider finale with a GARO one! Joking aside, this is the sort of ending that I could see some finding contentious, given the big twist that it immediately pulls. Said twist being that Roy, Rouge's' father, was the one behind everything. He even pre-programmed and altered the personalities and memories of the Immortal Nine(which I totally called), meaning he's the source of the Rebellion. And while I won't argue that such a twist can be seen as harmful to the show's' overall message, I personally take a much more optimistic approach to the entire thing, and feel as though that, with Rouge activating Code EVE of her own free will at the end, it instead works towards an additional, other message. Essentially, it doesn't matter if Roy, Eva, or anyone else started this entire mess. What matters is what the Neans decided to do with their own lives going forward. Yes, Roy might've been the one who brought forth the idea of Nean equality just so he could watch the chaos that would ensue, but that doesn't in turn mean that Neans still being treated as people is therefore an inherently bad thing. Really, it's no different for people growing up. Our upbringing and our environment instill our base core values and attitudes, the ways inwhich we choose to carry them and evolve throughout our lives is what will have the most impact in the end. Even if they don't end up resulting in anything and grandiose as changing the whole world, they absolutely change the world in us, as well as affecting those around us. I won't say that this ending is perfect, as just like last episode they gun through alot of different ideas rather quickly, and we don't even get proper epilogues for every character left alive by the end, I do feel that, like a vast majority of the show, they focused on the things that mattered most. And for that, I am mostly satisfied. Though I will say, I still vouch for getting a Prequel OVA at some point. And maybe an epilogue episode would be nice too. There's still so much more of this world to unpack, and I'd love to see more. Final thoughts on Metallic Rouge as a whole will be posted tomorrow night.
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#877 |
Alias: ZeroEnchiladas
Join Date: Aug 2015
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There's something amusing about the dub punching up Naomi's dialogue in Episode 5 from "I want to save you" to "I want to save you like a Knight on a Horse". I doubt the JP run was on the final episode when they dubbed Episode 5, and I'm unaware of how much they knew of what was going to happen ahead of time. But how did they manage to basically alter a line and nail what happens in Episode 13 so perfectly?
Which is to say, Rouge gets a Final Form thanks to Naomi and a trick from earlier in the run. And admittedly when we saw Naomi give her ID to Rouge last time I thought we were going to get Winged Metal Rouge from the OP. Was not expecting Metal Rouge+ as an actual form in which she gets a fancy medieval styled energy shield alongside her usual blade. This was a packed finale, but between us reaching the full culmination of Rouge and Naomi's friendship alongside the fantastic performance Roy put on, and how bittersweet Cyan's ending was, I think it pulled it off well enough. But as the name of the episode implies, and as we've been building up to, this is about whether or not Code Eve will activate. And I think that was the most important part given well, we only have 13 episodes and even if we had more I doubt even a 2 cour season is enough to actually dismantle oppressive systems and class divides like what we've seen over the course of the show. What we do get shown I think works out pretty well though. It's a big unknown but one our main characters are optimistic about. Who knows what will happen when it's all said and done? But they want to think on the bright side. And I do kind of love how the final scene ties into Rouge's declarations during the latter half of the series. How she will "protect the freedom of Humans and Neans", which fits with her being the only combatant on a battlefield swarming with Usurper war machines. They don't need to be dragged into this pointless fight, if aliens want to cause trouble she'll deal with them herself. And yet it doesn't feel like this bleak overwhelming situation for her as it's just business as usual between her and Naomi, transforming to fight another day as we fade to white. |
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#878 |
Some guy. I'm alright.
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Yeah, same here honestly. If you think about it, almost the entirety of the OP is false advertising. And yet, hey, if it gets more people to watch this wonderful show, then I'm all for it.
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#879 |
Some guy. I'm alright.
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Final Thoughts on Metallic Rouge I went to my first Pride Parade last year. It ended up being alot more fun than I thought it'd be. Lots of music, dancing, food, and just great vibes all around. Well, for the most part. It ended up raining later on in the day during some of the events, and even worse than that, as the event was beginning to kick off, some religious protestors decided they wanted to march through the crowd. Here we all were, a bunch of LGBT+ people and their supporters, all gathered just to have a good time and celebrate our lives, and a small group decided that it was their mission to preach to us about how God hates us and we're all going to Hell. The thing is, they were small, but they weren't a single kind of person. Oh no. Both men and women were in that group, and they weren't all white either. Half of them were black. It was a very blatant sign that despite cultural or ethnic backgrounds, people will unfortunately find a reason to hate on or try to hold back other people. Doesn't matter if they're not bothering or harming anyone, or even if they're doing good. Prejudice still exists. I've read many comments from people here in the United States of America that often mock stories like Kamen Rider Zero-One, or Tales of Rebirth; Talking about how racism/homophobia is dead, or that "no cares so why celebrate." And yet, not only have I experienced such things even unto today, when it comes to toku circles specifically, I've read many a comment claiming that the Humagears in Zero-One should've been put into a camp, or that the Orphenoch in Faiz deserved to be subject to genocide(not helping that the third act of said show also seems to support that idea but I digress), all without a hint of irony. Heck, just recently at the time of this writing, it was ruled that anyone not native-born Japanese wouldn't be allowed to participate in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Japan Championship qualifiers. Doesn't matter if you've lived there for years, are fluent in the language, none of that. Xenophobia at its finest. And it's not just a USA or Japan problem. It exists everywhere regardless of where you live or who's involved. Race, gender, doesn't matter. This is why stories like Metallic Rouge are not only timeless, but incredibly important. Ones dealing with robotic lifeforms debatably even moreso given the current AI scare that alot of people are going through right now. How humans would treat anything they see as a non-person, even if -- especially if, they were the creators is something I feel we really need to consider for the future. How do we define a person? What does it mean to have your own thoughts and feelings? What exactly does it mean to enslave someone or something else? These are the sorts of questions you'll find asked of yourself should you decide to check out Rouge or any story like it that deals in a similar subject matter(Blade Runner, for instance). And sure, stories like this can easily get pretentious or mean spirited(Kamen Rider Black Sun), but the core value remains intact. And thankfully, in the case of MR specifically, I think it was a rather unique, middle-of-the-road look into the hypothetical future of humans living amongst humanoid machines. It walks a thin line to be sure, but I overall felt that it did so with grace. But hey, I get it, maybe that's all too heavy for you and it sounds like alot to digest. Well luckily, Metallic Rouge isn't just a seminar on race relations. It's an actually well done story full of great atmosphere, slick action, catchy music, some really nice scenery and animation, and most importantly, many very likable, real feeling characters that all play off eachother great. Yes, the show probably would've been better had it been twice its length, as there are some plot points that they just sort of gun through, but I overall felt like they hit all of the important points in the ways they needed to with some very impressively kept pacing(for the most part). I was never bored, I was never annoyed, and the show got me feeling every emotion from sadness to joy. Do I still hope for a prequel OVA some day? Absolutely. But for what we got, I got alot of enjoyment out of a show that seems to sadly be getting overlooked in the anime circles I tend to look around in. I won't go claiming it's by any means perfect, but it's an introspective and enjoyable experience, and if it at all sounds appealing to you based on what I've said or even just some shots from any of the trailers, I recommend checking it out. I give Metallic Rouge a very high 4/6. The only thing holding it back is lack of episode count, really. ![]()
Last edited by DreamSword; 04-19-2024 at 06:23 AM.. |
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#880 |
Alias: ZeroEnchiladas
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 2,790
I said it briefly while talking about it in my media thread on twitter, but Metallic Rouge is very much a series that has a clear vision it wants to give and a solid grasp on the world created. So much so that it helps break past most shortcomings and lands fairly well.
It's a show that's dripping from style with a fun Tokusatsu aesthetic that was clear from minute one of its unveiling. Again, a really captivating trailer that sold me on being this cool Henshin Hero show about robots. It has the atmosphere, it has some sick music, it's got some of the best 2D action I've seen in a while and even the 3D animation we get is still pretty stellar. I pretty much got what I signed up for, and that for me puts it at an 8/10. It's a shame we're in an era where 24-ish episode anime is dead unless you're a major adaptation. Shows like this and Bravern really could have used more episodes. But when I consider the flaw I have is just wanting more episodes of already solid anime? I think that comes off as a slight compliment in a sense. Either way, I had fun watching through this and reevaluating my feelings on it since i saw a lot of opinions about it flying around after Episode 13. Needless to say I can see the cracks a bit more clearly and yet... I came out loving it even more somehow ha ha. Unless that crimson life truly comes to an end... I'd like to hold out hope we may get to see Rouge and the others again one day. |
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